Leaving New York after nearly ten years is a strange prospect. On the one hand I feel "ready" to leave; after all, ten years is a long time! Having spent my entire "adult" life here, all the way back to freshman year at NYU, I am ready to try living in a more "normal" city for a while. (And yes, life in Trujillo will be comparatively more "normal" than life in New York, at least from a global point of view.)
On the other hand there are so many things I've come to take for granted that I know I'll miss. Getting around without a car; 24-hour drugstores and restaurants all within easy walking distance of my apartment; coming into constant contact with people from every part of the globe, and from every walk of life, which has been such an amazing education; and hearing some of the best preaching in the world which has shaped my life more than I can say.
Most of all I will miss, in this order, the friends and the food. I have come to love both so dearly, and both I fear are irreplaceable.
Please pray for my transition, especially these last few weeks of transition and packing and goodbyes. And can someone tell me how to create titles for my blog postings? I haven't quite figured that out yet...
some of the friends I will miss