Saturday, January 31, 2009

¡Viva la globalización!

Today a new HEB Mart opened in Missouri City, Texas, about 20 min. from my house. Over the years I've noticed an increasing number of American grocery stores have an "International Foods" aisle, with a small assortment of couscous, teriyaki sauce and basmati rice. However this gigantic supermarket, with a very ethnically diverse clientele, actually has 3-4 shelves just for products from South America!

I have been looking for ají, i.e. chili peppers from Peru used to season everything from rice to chicken to vegetables, ever since I got back from Peru. Today I was overjoyed to find them at last...

Hooray, or as they say in Peru, "ji ji... ra!"

"Ají Amarillo, Product of Peru"

Inca Kola, national soft drink of Peru...


Grace G said...

How cool! Joe made me aji sauce for a Christmas present. He went to a hispanic market here in Jackson and found a pepper and then made the sauce and we had it with dinner!

calebsutton said...

Lucky you. I wonder if we'll get a grocery store like that over here anytime soon. How I miss comida criolla.